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Pretty Boys are Poisonous – Megan Fox

Poems by Megan Fox have been published. The dark and wicked humour of the actress is now referenced through a literary art form contained in over 80 works. Her beauty has come to reflect the understanding of men on an invisible platform, where she reflects upon the relationships she has sealed in her past. The newly found writer has said: “These poems were written in an attempt to excise the illness that had taken root in me because of my silence. I’ve spent my entire life keeping the secrets of men, my body aches from carrying the weight of their sins. My freedom lives in these pages and I hope that my words can inspire others to take back their happiness and their identity by using their voice to illuminate what’s been buried, but not forgotten, in the darkness.’

The ecstasy of understanding emanates from her poetry. Fox resides in Los Angeles and creates her work to ensure that her predicaments are not going untold. The ones we love make impressions on our soul. Her poetry is infectious. The hardback is available for £16.99 and is also available in eBook and audio download.

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