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Kings of Convenience

Declaration of Dependence is about the notion of being dependent on someone being good. They say that the most important message in this album is how vividly it reminds us that making music together is not a game, it’s not something to be undertaken lightly, this record is part of a much larger picture, a long and involved relationship that has had its good and bad times. The third album by Kings of Convenience, which came about when Eirik Bøe  and Erlend Øye met up, in 2007, on the same beach in Mexico that is pictured on the album’s cover.  They went to perform in a concert in the city one month later, which was the first time they had appeared together in two years – and that was when they got the feeling that it was time to make another record. Delighted by their creation, they say it‘s “the most rhythmical pop record ever, that features no percussion or drums”.

Kings of Convenience

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